
Pro Tile

Tulsa, OK

7,000 sf office warehouse for flooring contractor


Tulsa, OK

Warehouse and office renovations

Flight Safety International

Broken Arrow, OK

Replace 8 simulator pads, office renovations and additions

Nutter Engineering

Tulsa, OK

5,000 sf warehouse and interior office renovations

BS&B Safety Systems


5,500 sf testing facility with customer viewing room and engineering office
2,000 sf shipping/receiving expansion
3,200 sf testing facility, metal building
1,600 sf office and warehouse building

Southwest Blvd Properties

Tulsa, OK

28,500 sf interior and exterior renovation of office and warehouse
investment property

Rental Service Corp (RSC Rental)

Tulsa, OK

15,000 sf rental equipment facility including offices, shop and wash bay

Linde Gas

Jefferson, GA

Renovations to liquid nitrogen manufacturing facility

Thales Training and Simulation (formerly Thomson)

Tulsa, OK

10,000 sf office and manufacturing to include simulator room and
film processing dark room, numerous office renovations and
mechanical installations

Metals Inc.

Tulsa, OK

23,000 sf metal office and warehouse building

Ryder Truck

Tulsa, OK

Truck wash and interior renovation